Run Time Information (RTI)


This section was written while trying to understand how the RTI is organized. It almost certainly contains errors, and it likely won’t be updated with the codebase, so don’t believe any of the information here. Nevertheless, it may be helpful for a developer new to GHDL trying to understand the organization of the RTI.

Useful Definitions


Run Time Information. The information that is used when simulating the design.


Run Time Information Node. The design is organized into a directed graph where the architectures, signals and statements are represented as nodes on the graph. This graph can be cyclic since an architecture may be instantiated many times, and could be recursively instantiated.


The context of a node is the position in the elaborated design. For example a architecture might be instantiated 4 times in a design, but will have a single RTI node. The data related to that node but specific to particular instantiation has an address in memory. A context object (Rti_Context) bundles an RTI node with an address for it’s instantiation data. If this RTI node references another RTI node we can find the relevant instantiation data for that node by considering the context.


Run Time Instance Information. This is a record that groups an RTI node with any other data necessary to specify a particular instantiation. The RTII objects create a tree that represents the elaborated design. Currently they are only implemented for RTIN nodes of signals, ports, generics, constants and their subcomponents.

RTI Nodes / RTII Nodes

All RTI node records have a Ghdl_Rtin_Common record as their first element. This record contains the following elements:

Kind : Ghdl_Rtik

This specified what kind of node it is. For example a process and an entity node are both represented by Ghdl_Rtin_Block records but they are distinguished by having a different Kind.

Depth : Ghdl_Rti_Depth

The depth indicates the relationship between the RTI Node and the RTI Context. Child nodes often just use the same Context as their parent, and the depth indicates how far up in the hierarchy you go to find where the Context is based.

Mode : Ghdl_Rti_U8


Max_Depth : Ghdl_Rti_Depth


It’s also useful to look at some of the other elements that commonly appear in the different RTI Node records.

Loc : Ghdl_Rti_Loc

This is an address offset. It tells us where the instantiation data for this node is located relative to the data of it’s parent.

Linecol : Ghdl_Index_Type

Refers back to a location in the source code.

Parent : Ghdl_Rti_Access

Points to the parent. This isn’t necessarily the parent in the RTI tree though. For example the Parent of an architecture RTI node points at the entity node, however the parent in the tree is the instance RTI.

This document will now review that main classes of RTI Nodes.

Architecture RTI (Ghdl_Rtin_Block)

The architecture acts as a simple container for it’s children. Create the child tree nodes by looping through Ghdl_Rti_Block.Children and keeping the context unchanged.

The information about the generics and ports access the entity RTI nodes through Ghdl_Rti_Block.Parent using the same context.

The instantiation data of an architecture contains a single item, a pointer to the RTI node. This is necessary because it is necessary to store which of the possible architectures of this entity was instantiated.

Entity RTI (Ghdl_Rtin_Block)

The RTI of an entity is a Ghdl_Rti_Block record (the same as the architecture) and uses the same context as the architecture. It is accessed via the architecture’s Parent element. The generics and ports can be accessed as the children of the entity.

Other Blocks (Package/Process) (Ghdl_Rtin_Block)

The block just loops over it’s children.

if_generate / case_generate (Ghdl_Rtin_Block)

If-Generate and Case-Generate statements are represented with Ghdl_Rtin_Block records with Kind Ghdl_Rtik_If_Generate and Ghdl_Rtik_Case_Generate.

Their children are all of Kind Ghdl_Rtik_Body, and represent the different possible blocks that could be selected.

The instantiation data of a if_generate or case_generate RTI contains two items: 1) A pointer to the context of the selected generate body (instance_pointer). 2) The index of the selected child (block_id)

The child node is then created from the RTI node Ghdl_Rtik_Body.Children(block_id) combined with the instantiation data given by instance_pointer.

for_generate (Ghdl_Rtin_Generate)

For-Generate statements are represented with Ghdl_Rtin_Generate records with Kind Ghdl_Rtik_For_Generate.

Their RTI-node structure is different from the Ghdl_Rtin_Block record in that rather than having Nbr_Child and Children elements, it has:

Child : Ghdl_Rti_Access

A pointer to the generate body node that is their only child.

Size : Ghdl_Index_Type

The amount of memory required for the context of their child.

The Child element is a generate body. There is only a single RTI-node structure which Child points to, however a different context is used each time we go around the for-generate loop.

The context of a for_generate RTI contains a single item: An address which points at the contexts for it’s children.

Each time we go around the for generate loop we increment the address of the context by Size so we looking at the correct context for that instantiation of the contexts of the loop.

One complexity of the for-generate is finding the number of times that we go around the loop. The first element in the child generate body is an iterator. That iterator has a type and we can get the bounds of that type by passing it the local context. The type of the iterator for the for-generate loop is implicitly created and placed directly before the for_generate block, so using the local context will work. There might be a bug if the for-generate loop uses a type that wasn’t defined implicitly.

instance (Ghdl_Rtin_Instance)

An instantiation of an entity is represented by a Ghdl_Rtin_Instance node with Kind Ghdl_Rtik_Instance.

The context contains a single item, which is a pointer to the context of the architecture. The architecture context also contains a single item, which is a pointer to the architecture RTI Node.

Port (Ghdl_Rtin_Object)

Array Kinds


A VHDL array where the range is not specified.


A VHDL array where the range is specified. A Type_Array together with the bounds.


This function takes an object type and an object’s static context location and returns the complex context location and the bounds.

When the object is static the bounds is null (because the bounds are held in the type definition) and the complex context is the same as the static context.

When the object is complex the bounds is null, and the static context location contains a pointer to the complex context location.

When the object is unbound the static context contains a Ghdl_Uc_Array record. The contains Bounds which points to the bounds, and Base which points to the complex context location.

Array_Type (Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array)

Contains Common and Name fields followed by:

Element : Ghdl_Rti_Access

The type of the elements in the array.

Nbr_Dim : Ghdl_Index_Type

The number of dimensions in the array. Multidimensional arrays are not stored as arrays of arrays, but rather directly as multidimensional arrays.

Indexes : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc

??? This is an array of the indices for each dimension, but I don’t know what kind of object they are represented by yet.

Functions acting on types don’t seem to use context in the same way. The functions are often pass the RTI object, a context (of a object higher in the hierarchy, and a pointer to a local context (often called layout)).

The context of an Array Type has a defined structure which is Ghdl_Uc_Array. This contains a Base and a Bounds field.

Base : Address

Points to the complex context of the object.

Bounds : Address

Points to the bounds of the array.

Array Subtype (Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array)

Array subtypes are represented by the Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Composite RTI node. The node contains the Common and Name fields, followed by

Basetype : Ghdl_Rti_Access

A pointer to the RTI array type which it is a subtype of.

Layout : Ghdl_Rti_Loc

A pointer to the context of the subtype relative to the parent context. The layout contains: a value size, a signal sizes, and the bounds.

Port / Signal / Generic / Constant / Variable (Ghdl_Rtin_Object)

The context of an object is found by taking offsetting the Context by the Loc field on the object. The implementation often uses the same Context for a group of hierarhical signals, so that the determination of the location of the context of objects in the hierarchy must be found using a function such as Loc_To_Addr.

The Obj_Type field of an object points at the type of the object.

A signal definition can also include placing bounds on a unbounded type.

The tree of an object can be created by pairing the hierarchy of types with the hierarchy of contexts.

If the type is a scalar type then the value of the object is found at:
If the object is a port or signal then the only item in the context

is a pointer to the signal object. The first item in the signal object is a pointer to the value.

If the object is a constant, generic or variable then the context

contains a pointer to the value itself.

If the type is an unbound array:

We must be at the top level of a hierarchical object. The context contains a pointer to the first element context, and a pointer to the bounds.

If the type is a static array:

The context is the same as the context of the first element. The bounds are given in the layout of the type (composite).

If the type is a complex array:

The context contains a pointer to the context of the first element. Because the size of the context cannot be determined at compile time this layer of indirection is necessary.

Record Kinds


A standard VHDL record.


A vhdl record containing an unbounded array (directory or indirectly).


A subtype of an unbounded record where all arrays are not bounded.


A subtype of an unbounded record where some but not all of the previously unbound arrays have been bound.

Record Type (Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record)

Can have Kind of Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record or Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Unbounded_Record. The record elements after Common and Name are:

Nbrel : Ghdl_Index_Type

Number elements in the record.

Elements : Ghdl_Rti_Arr_Acc;

The RTI nodes of the element definitions.

Layout : Ghdl_Rti_Loc

The layout is the relative address that the layout/bounds information of the elements will be relative to.

Record Type (Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record)

For an unbounded record the Layout is not used, but rather a Bounds must be given.

Element Type (Ghdl_Rtin_Element)

The record elements after Common and Name are:

Eltype : Ghdl_Rti_Access

The RTI node representing the type of the element.

Val_Off : Ghdl_Index_Type

For static element the offset is in the record. For complex element the offset is in the type layout or object layout. This is the offset for the value for generics or constants.

Sig_Off : Ghdl_Index_Type

This is the offset for the value wrapper in signals or ports.

Layout_Off : Ghdl_Index_Type;

For unbounded records: element layout offset in the layout. The layout is stores all the bounds for the various elements when the unbounded record is given bounds.


library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

package mypkg is

  type mytype is record
    a: std_logic;
    b: std_logic;
  end record;

end package;

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.mypkg.all;

entity myentity is
    x: in mytype
end myentity;

architecture arch of myentity is
end arch;

What will be the structure of the RTI for the port myentity.x?

The architecture has a context. Address of the architecture is A

The entity has the same context. Address of the entity is A.

The child on the entity is the port. Address of the port is A + 16.

A port is a record ‘x’ Address of the record value is A + 16.

The record contains ‘a’ a std_logic vector. Address is A + 16.

The record contains ‘b’ a std_logic_vector. Address is A + 24

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

package mypkg is

  type mytype is record
    a: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    b: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  end record;

end package;

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.mypkg.all;

entity myentity is
    x: in mytype
end myentity;

architecture arch of myentity is
end arch;
- Architecture (A)
  - Entity (A)
    - port x (A+16)
      - x.a (A+16)
      - x.a(?) (A+16)
      - x.a(?) (A+24)
      - x.b (A+32)
      - x.b(?) (A+40)
      - x.b(?) (A+48)
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity myentity is
  generic (
    WIDTH: natural := 2
    x: in std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0)
end myentity;

architecture arch of myentity is
end arch;
- Architecture (A)
  - Entity (A)
    - generic WIDTH (A+16)
    - port x (A+48) content of address (A+48) is B
      - type information
        analyze a type with context (address=A, rti=entity)
        layout is located at A+20
        so bounds is located at A+28
      - x subtype array (B)
        - x(?) (B)
        - x(?) (B+8)